Stuck in Sydney ;-)

One more week at Eva’s
As i really like it here in Sydney and especially at Eva’s Backpacker (rooftop), I just booked one more week.
The last few days were really nice, i managed all my stuff with the authorities and got me a cheap mobile. (mail me if you dont have my number yet) Some evening we (some friends from Eva’s) had a really nice night-walk at the waterfront of Sydney, ending at some spot with an amazing view over Sydney harbor with the opera and the harbor bridge!
Got addicted to surfing!
Just yesterday we went to Menley Beach near Sydney, where we had a relaxed day at the beach. In the afternoon Sebi, Tobi and me got us some Longboards to try surfing!
Its not that easy and really exhausting!!! But after a few tries all of us managed to stay on the board for a few seconds. As I wrote before, I got addicted to it. With about 7 more months down under, i think there will be enough time to train a little more.
Greetings home, HANG LOOSE!!! Tim.

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