Down Under

I made it to Eva’s Backpacker
Wow … this is a really nice backpacker! With BBQ on the rooftop, and really nice ppl. Lots of Germans here, so i won’t loose my mothertongue.
The first day here, i joind some others from the backpacker and went to some pub to watch the rugby match Wales-Newsealand. I dont like soccer too much, but rugby is really great!!! Way more interesting and really male!
The Pub was really nice, if you ordered something before 830 that day, the bartender would throw a coin, and if you won, you got what you ordered for free! … we won two jugs of beer! 😉
After the match some black singer showed up, playing lots of evergreens. A really good party with about 2/3 of backpackers there.
The second day I slept till 1300, read the newspapers from the last few days on my notebook, had a shower and went out to get me something to eat. On the way I found a small wooden backgammon, just the kind I was looking for. Back at Eva’s i made me the noodles and sat on the rooftop where Axel joined me when he returned from his work (a small candle factory). Sitting in the sunshine (sure with sonblocker on my skin!) having a beer and playing backgammon was really like holiday.
As more and more ppl showed up om the rooftop, we decided to have a nice BBQ for dinner, so some of us went out to get some kangaroo meat, and some vegetables for sidedish. Another one got a 4l box of Ozzy wine (not too bad). With all this we had a really nice dinner with a bautiful look on the skyline of sydney! At 2300 we had to change to the kitchen, as the rooftop is closed after then. But that didnt stop the party!
Today I’ll have a walk in the city, looking for a mobile phone, and other stuff I need. Cya m8s!

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