Numerics is done,
but there’s still more to come!
Next test are technical mechanics 3, higher maths 3, thermodynamics 2 and flowtheory. Gonna be quite stressing!
Niceeee …
New homepage is up and running!
Even if you don’t see too many changes, all the structure behind what u see has changed!
The last few days i completly rewrote the whole page using PHP and a mySQL database.
As there’s quite a lot of data from the old version, it’ll take some time to add all the old images and texts to this new version.
Greets and bye, Tim.
A really relaxed 4th semester
Summertime … weather is fine!
My 4th semester is starting with a really nice summer! Most of the time its quite warm/hot, really nice to hang out at the university between the lectures.
As theres no university thursdays and fridays, the weekends got quite long! 3 days university and 4 days weekend! But after this quite stressing 3rd semester we really needed this!
While learning for the last test, i got the idea to stop studying for a year, and to travel through Austrlia! I’m really looking forward to getting my backpack stuffed, travelling around, seeing new places and meeting new ppl.
As my father gave me the tip about some information-day for students at the Australian Embassy in Berlin, i spent a few days there. Just arriving at the youth-hostel, i met a nice guy (also named Tim) from Australia. Getting into dialogue we decided to pass the afternoon in Berlin together.
We had a look at the Reichstag, the Brandenburger Tor and Checkpoint Charly. In between we had some nice talks and (of course) some cold beers. We walked the bars till 1:00 (i had to get to bed a little earlier, as the info-day started at 10:00).
The day at the embassy was really useful! 3 of the 6 universities, represented there, were offering aeronautics. Might be interesting to have a look at them when travelling there!
What happend since december 2002
Dec/jan i moved to my new room. My dad really helped much, and we also had kinda fun, painting walls and constructing tables out of what we had in the garage.
Then i had to finish some construction for university till the end of semester(the flaps-mechanism for a small aircraft). Afterwards i had 1-2 Weeks to relax before the learning for the examinations began.
In between i manged to go snowboading to Engelberg (CH) with some firends! Haven’t been on board for about 2 years, but all went fine … i didn’t forget how to do it!
The only bad thing about this trip is, that Sergio (Espace ’87) lost it’s exhaust right in front of Olli’s door! 😉 So the trip back was quite loud!
Right now, I passed the first two tests. TM exam should be OK, but with maths3 i’m quite unhappy. Hope ET, TD and FGK will work out better!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
As we have christmas-holidays right now, i found some time to update my page.
The last few weeks / months of university were quite busy. There was really few time to relax or even party! So I’m doing that right now. Last week i went to a concert of ‘Open Season’ and ‘The Peacocks’ at Stuttgart, after that I had a strange evening with a nice girl at the Club ‘Le Fonque’, the ‘evening’ ended at 800, returning home with the first connection. Last week, my parents, my grandma from Hamburg and me celebrated christmas, gathering, having lots of unhealthy food and even more fun.
Before christmas, my father and me exchanged the old gas tank of my Samurai, which took us three days! After christmas we started to prepare my new room in the house, by clearing it and painting the walls.
As soon as we built the tables and other stuff, I’ll move. After 2 years of cellar, I’m quite happy to see the sunlight again! 😀 (Don’t think my parents stuffed me in the cellar! I chose to do that and they told me 2 years ago I was crazy because of that, maybe I was!)
Right now I’m returning home from a concert of ‘HISS’ at the ‘Schlesinger Int.’. Was really great! Some kind of mixture between Rock and Polka with German lyrics.
Sergio, Europe and InfCon
Sergio (the Renault Espace ’87) survived the trip throu southern Europe, the holidays are over and InfCon lays behind me.
The trip with Kathi, Aiko and Sergio was a really interesting “on-the-road-holiday”. The car did it’s Job and even more, we had a funny time camping in the wilderness or at some campground and we even saw some cultural stuff like the Guggenheimuseum in Bilbao. Our way took us across the Alps to Italy down to the mediterrean sea, where we followed the coast throu France till Spain (Alfaz del Pi), there we visited my Parents for 3 days. After that we went throu Madrid driving further NW to Santander, from where we followed the atlanic coast till Bordeaux. As the weather got bad around there we took a hard daytrip of about 1200km directly back home.
After a long break i finally managed to update my homepage! Lots of things happend!
After finishing my armyservice i went to spain with an army-friend of mine. We had much fun,
playing billard and watching the waitress! In may/june I went backpacking in the USA.
Me and a good friend hitch-hiked down the westcoast. (SF, Yosemite, Santa Cruz,
Santa Barbara, LV, Flagstaff, San Diego, Ensenada, LA) That was a really great month!
In July me and four friends stayed in our house in Spain. A really hard time! 😀
Greetings to Kim and Lindis, two really cute girls we met there. In mid october
I started studying space- and aviationsince in Stuttgart. It seems to bee really interesting,
but challanging, too! As i got back home from the states i startet taking lots of
photos with an old camera of my parents. (A really good one!) So there are lots of good and
funny pictures to be added to the gallery soon!  Stay tuned!