Du bist Terrorist


Gemeinsam für ein sicheres Deutschland. Die Kampagne „Du bist Deutschland“ war 2005 der Beginn einer positiven Stimmungswelle im ganzen Land. Diese gebündelte Energie hat sich 2009 umgekehrt, denn nun bist du potenzieller Terrorist und wirst überwacht.

Free Hugs

A while ago a friend suggested to organise a Free Hugs Day in Heidelberg. Over the weeks we got a nice group of 13 people together. The Friday evening before heading down to Heidelberg, we met at my place to create some signs.
Saturday morning we all met at the main train station in Darmstadt and took the regional train to Heidelberg. (a trip of about one hour) Already while walking towards the city center we started giving free hugs to random people we met and who were not afraid to accept this unexpected favour.

Before diving in deeper, let’s cite Wikipedia to explain this concept in a few words:

[…] a social movement involving individuals who offer hugs to strangers in public places. […] The hugs are meant to be random acts of kindness – purportedly selfless acts performed by a person for the sole reason of making others feel better.

Trees want hugs, too! As do grandmas. At first we settled right underneath the Heiliggeist Kirche near the market. Being so lucky to catch on of the very first sunny and warm days this year, our signs were shining in the bright sunlight and the first confused looking people started to ask us why we were actually doing this. After dispersing the suspicion we might be some sort of sect or organisation trying to hook people, most people were amazed by this idea and loved it. Especially mid-aged and elder people agreed that Germany needed more of such events. (I think this is true for any country at any time)

A younger German couple we hugged early during the morning came back, carrying their instruments. After settling right behind us they started jamming on their guitars, creating an amazing atmosphere. As we were giving out our hugs for free, they also played without a hat on the street. (Thanks again unknown musicians, you certainly improved our mood even further!)

The Free Hugs Crew The castle over HeidelbergAround midday we moved down the road a bit, as the sun had moved away from our previous spot. We kept on hugging random strangers till the sun set behind the beautiful old-town of Heidelberg.
After this long day of hugging, everyone was rather exhausted. After dinner at a Libanese restaurant, we walked through the old town, catching a glimpse at the illuminated old castle. Later we crawled some local bars and got introduces to a “special” local schnapps. At the end of a long day, everyone joined their hosts, surfing some local chouches (thanks again hosts!).

A Swissbook – Continued 5/10

Department of Public Prosecution
Canton Basel-Stadt

Criminal Investigation

Basel, Shrove Wednesday March 1977

Dear Mr. Schweizer,

regarding your inquiry dated 25th January 1977, I reply as follows:
The act of shitting pants is only liable to public prosecution, if those pants are not your pants and you commited the act with deliberation. Additionally a criminal complaint has to be filed. Under these conditions, following current practice, the grounds for a damage of property according to para. 145 sec. 1 StGB would be given. Thus the committed act is not an offence liable to public prosecution but a offence requiring a complaint to be made by the victim which, according to par. 6 StPO, falls into the category of private action. Thus you can be at ease and do not have to withhold your urge.

Concerning your letter dated 28th January 1977 I can reassure your, that your secret has been treated with discretion and that your “services” must have been misinformed.

Furthermore I am not able to help you with the issues depicted in your letter dated 1st February 1977. Nonetheless I can fully understand that the DM 28750,–, which you obtained by fraud to the expense of the bank, offered you more pleasure then the therefor prodounced prison sentence.

However I am relieved to hear that you currently have no truely serious problems aside the initially mentioned ones. Should this change, I would be pleased to offer you my aide and support.

Kind regards
Dr. U. Flachsmann, Prosecuting Attorney
Acting Chief of Criminal Investigation

A Swissbook – Continued 4/10

Rene Schweizer
GAGA Basel
Aus der Lyss 20
4051 Basel
Tel. 25 12 06

Basel, 1st March 1977

Department of Public Prosecution
Kohlenberg 27/29


Regarding the letters dated 25th and 28th January 1977

Dear Sirs,

as I did not get a response regarding the abovementioned letters, I would be much obligated if you could let me know whe I may expect a response.

I am sure that it is clear to you, that I cannot deal with such a problem on my own. Supposing you do not consider yourself responsible for such matter, it would be of great help to me, if you could provide me with information about other bodies which you consider appropriate.

With sincere thanks for a prompt resolution of the issue
Rene Schweizer