semester started

A few weeks ago the semester started again, and now it seems studies really start.
As we’ve had all mandatory lectures, it’s now up to us to decide on which topics to focus. For myself I chose lightweight contruction and informatics. In construction I chose the path modern materials, having lectures about stuff like composite materials or nondestructive testing. Compared to up to a few hundred people sitting in the mandatory lectures, it’s rather familial now, with just around 10-40 students.
In informatics things are even smaller, as we are only five students! The two lecturers just started this semester, so everything is still new and flexible. In software-engineering we’re ususally sitting in a round of chairs, which sometimes seems more like a self-help group 😉 . The lecturer has quite a bit of practical experience, which he shares with us by interrupting the lectures with short exercises, making us solve quite complex problems in short time.
The other lectures in informatics are similarity mechanics, engineering software and digital product design. While similarity mechanics is quite theoretical, focussing on the theory and use of dimensionless variables, the latter two are rather practical. As there are quite a few doctorands and graduands, specialising in different engineering software, those will hold the lectures about the software they’re using.

Aside the studies I also got a job at one of the aeronautics institutes in the “leighter than air”-group. My first assignment is the design of a gauge, measuring the momentum and force at a small propeller engine.

Thought the weeks are quite busy, it finally feels like I’m getting somewhere, somewhere right.
Cheers everybody,

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