Back to the mc-17 Remote Control

After the Maker Faire, I went back to the Graupner mc-17 remote control.

The arduino library from tronixstuff for the KTM-S1201 LCD which is also using a mPD7225 controller was a good starting point. But to get the LCD up and running, it took quite a bit of fiddling and logic sniffing.

Logic Pirate attached to the mc17 LCD Logic Pirate
Open Logic Sniffer for mc17 LCD

mc17 LCD mapping of bytes and bitsOnce the controller allowed me to switch on individual segments of the LCD, I needed to adapt my implementation to this specific display, as it offers remote control specific elements unusual for normal LCDs. With a proper mapping of bits and bytes to their respective LCD elements, it was easy to implement the usual alpha-numerical characters. Each of the digits is controlled by a word / two bytes. For each byte, one bit is used to control one of the additional symbols like colons, dots, or remote controls specific texts.

